Project DAWN Training (Death Avoided With Naloxone)

Project DAWN by the Ohio Department of Health aims to prevent death from opioid overdose.

Project DAWN by the Ohio Department of Health aims to prevent death from opioid overdose.

What is Project DAWN?

TCN is proud to be a Project DAWN site for the state of Ohio. Project DAWN is a community-based overdose education and naloxone distribution program. Project DAWN provides training on:

  • Recognizing the signs and symptoms of overdose
  • Distinguishing between different types of overdose
  • Performing rescue breathing
  • Calling emergency medical services
  • Administering intranasal Naloxone

How Can I receive training?

We are currently offering training on an as needed basis. If you are a Greene County resident, agency, or community group please call or email:

Chris Pinkelman:  (937) 376-8760

Lynn Oliver: (937) 376-8729