While trying these activities, please be mindful of parent permission and social distancing.
We had a few people in our community reach out for ideas on coping skills to use at home and how to manage stress, anxiety, and depression during this pandemic. We decided to create this article of 102 Self-Care Ideas & Activities to do at Home during the quarantine that we can share with everyone. Many of these ideas are great for kids and teens at home.
Call, Text, or FaceTime a supportive friend or loved one. FaceTiming is most encouraged to have a virtual face to face interaction!
Take a walk or bike ride outside
Paint your nails.
Take a shower or bubble bath.
Get ready in the morning even if you have nowhere to go.
Read a book. E-Books, as well as movies, audiobooks, and magazines, are available through Greene Country Library digital apps and websites. (Listed Below)
Do exercise videos. Websites and subscription streaming services are also available such as YouTube, Amazon Prime, etc.
Process your worries and/or sadness with a supportive parent or friend. Remember, it is okay to cry to feel better and or get information to calm down your worries.
Do a virtual museum tour!
These Links provide a list of museums from around the world that you can visit a home (Smithsonian, NASA, The Air Force Museum, etc.) Museums from home More Museums from home.
Go to the Zoo Online.
Go to a virtual amusement park!
Blow bubbles.
Eat your favorite ice cream (but don’t go overboard).
Dance to fun guided songs such as The Cha-Cha Slide, Cupid Shuffle, Peanut Butter Jelly time, Hokey-Pokey, Chicken Dance, etc. What is your favorite song to dance to?
Keep a journal of positive experiences and read it when feeling sad.
Play with your pet if you have one.
Dye your hair or change your hair style.
Do jumping jacks or run in place.
Watch your favorite TV show
Do Jumping jack s or run in place.
Sing as loud as you can.
Listen to music.
Make a daily schedule, have a to do list, have routine.
Eat your favorite comfort food but don’t go overboard
make a craft for someone.
Write or draw how you are feeling in your journal.
Write a letter or make a card for a family member or friend.
Wear your favorite outfit that makes you feel good about yourself.
Play your favorite game.
Watch a craft tutorial on YouTube and make a craft.
study or get ahead on schoolwork.
Try balance or yoga exercise.
Pray/meditate/do something spiritual.
Check on someone via phone, text, or Facetime. This is encouraged daily or a few times per week.
Remind yourself of your goals and find one to work on at home.
Say something nice to yourself or someone around you, tell yourself or others positive and affirming statements.
Talk to your therapist/counselor via a telehealth program.
Plant your favorite flower or herb if seeds are available.
Go online shopping for a small appreciation gift for a friend.
Find a recipe and cook something new.
Check out online recreational exercise facilities for live streaming videos from workout instructors.
Do a chore to help your parents.
Start an online book club with a friend.
Play or learn to play a musical instrument.
Start an online book club for friend. .
Play or learn to play a musical instrument.
Knit/crochet or learn how to do this skill.
Clean out your closet and donate unneeded items at the end of quarantine.
Help parents with cooking dinner.
Take some pictures outside.
Clean a room in your house.
Write a play or a book.
Plant a container garden.
If you have a younger sibling, play or read with them.
Check on your grandparents via phone or online.
Surf the internet for something healthy and positive you would like to know more about
Write a poem
Take a nap
Do something that you know will make you laugh
Watch the clouds go by
Do some home repairs
Sort through your photographs
Make a scrapbook
Volunteer from home
Take a hike or nature walk with others while practicing social distancing
Try a new exercise
Do Sudoku
Do a crossword puzzle
Play solitaire
Bird watch .
Mow your lawn
Plan menus
Do laundry
Play with younger siblings, cousins, neighbors
Read the newspaper or magazine
Start an online journal/blog (with parent approval)
Watch a video or tv show you haven’t seen for a while
Read a favorite childhood book
Roller-skate or skateboard
Burn a cd or make a playlist for you or you and your friends
Play basketball or kick a ball around
Play a video game
Have your favorite piece of candy
Finish something you started and haven’t gotten around to finishing
Ask your best friend for suggestions
Make a “happy” book- something to refer to when mood is low
Practice mindfulness (practice being fully present while breathing, eating, or doing routine activities
Make a collage of magazine cut-outs (pictures, phrases, etc) to go around your mirror that remind you of your strengths and what you want to be.
Make a mood log – this can help identify things that have been associated with happy or sad feelings and the whatever the things were that helped to change these moods
Organize a collection.
Learn a new skill you have been wanting to learn.
Do a guided meditation through an app or online video.
Blend and diffuse essential oils.
Do a scavenger hunt in your backyard.
Have a picnic in your backyard.
Play on your swing set or Trampoline if you have one.
Ride a skateboard or roller blade.
Use sidewalk chalk to draw pictures and write encouraging messages.
Make your bed daily.
Utilize a cope ahead plan and think of activities to do for the next day.